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Drum say hey :)

Drum say hey :)

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Snare mapex black panther blackwidow maple

nare mapex black panther blackwidow maple
14x5',kondisi seperti baru,mulus
all ori
hrg soldddd

snare mapex mpx handhammered stell new/baru

snare mapex mpx handhammered stell new/baru
kondisi baru
bonus kunci drum
hrg soldddd

snare peace adonis mahogany sheel

snare peace adonis mahogany sheel
head black coated peace
kondisi mulus like new
hrg soldddd

snare pearl master standart maple (hub : 085730902905)

snare pearl master standart maple
14'x5,5'. head remo usa
kondisi normal
hrg soldddd

snare yamaha musashi oak wood

-snare yamaha musashi oak wood
13'x7',made in japan
head evans,switch strainer pake model dunnet
kondisi mulus
hrg solddd

snare pearl master MCX maple 14'x6,5'

-snare pearl master MCX maple 14'x6,5'
barang new/baru
warna quilted bubinga
lenkap dg manual book n kunci
head remo USA atas n bawah
hrg soooldddd

Snare peace kahuna series all bubinga shell 14"x5,5"

--snare peace kahuna series all bubinga shell 14"x5,5"
kondisi baru/new
cat lacquer,lug 10,ring tebal
hrg sssolldddd

snare reason custom all maple 14'x5,5' w/ woodhops maple

snare reason custom all maple 14'x5,5' w/ woodhops maple
kondisi mulus
hrg soldddd

Snare mapex black panther picollo maple

Kondisi Barang : Second
Harga : Rp. 123
Lokasi Seller : DKI Jakarta
menyediakan snare nie bwt peralatan tempur para master drum......
langsung aje di sikat

-snare mapex black panther picollo maple
14'x3,5',kondisi normal,head evans
ring diecast 3mm
hrg solddd

Pendiri zildjian meniinggal dunia - Dunia musik kembali berduka dengan meninggalnya sosok yang berpengaruh besar dalam dunia musik. Robert Zildjian selaku ikon dan pendiri alat perkusi bermerk Sabian Cymbals dikabarkan meninggal dunia pada 28 Maret 2013 kemarin.Robert meninggal setelah berjuang melawan kanker di usia 89 tahun. Beliau meninggalkan istri, 3 anak dan 8 cucu. Kematian Robert pun sangat terasa di kalangan drummer, terutama mereka yang memakai Sabian pada peralatannya. Drummer seperti Neil Perth (Rush), Mike Portnoy (Adrenaline Mob, eks Dream Theater), Ray Luzier (Korn) Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers) dan lainnya mengucapkan bela sungkawa.
Dalam situsnya Sabian juga mengucapkan rasa bela sungkawa kepada keluarga yang ditinggalkan. mereka mengatakan bahwa kematian Robert tak hanay duka bagi keluarga namun juga seluruh drummer, karena sumbangsih Robert di dunia musik.
Robert Zildjian mendirikan Sabian Cymbals setelah perseteruan keluarga yang mengakibatkan pengusaha lain meninggalkan merek simbal legendaris, Zildjian. Tradisi keluarga ditentukan bahwa rahasia dari perusahaan simbal Zildjian akan diturunkan hanya untuk anak tertua, namun Avedis Zildjian III menawarkan informasi yang suci untuk kedua Robert dan Armand adiknya, akhirnya mengarah ke keretakan yang memecahkan saudara terpisah, meninggalkan mereka sebagai pesaing. (lwr/faj)

Exel Mangare sempat heboh dikabarkan dekat dengan artis multi talenta Agnes Monica. Kedekatannya kedua artis berbakat tersebut mulai tercium publik setelah mereka terlihat sangat intens bertemu dalam sebuah acara ajang pencarian bakat yang di siarkan salah satu televisi swasta, bahkan pada bulan April lalu Exel sempat menemani Agnes manggung di Samarinda. Kemesraan keduanya pun sempat tertangkap kamera.
Sebagaimana dikutip dari, putra sulung dari tiga bersaudara pasangan Erin Mangare dan Fren Mangare memulai mengasah bakatnya dalam bidang musik sejak usia tiga tahun. Ia mulai aktif mengikuti sebuah kegiatan di Gereja Kemah Injil, Mataram sebagai drummer.
profil dan biodata pacar agnes monica, exel mangareKeaktifan tersebut membuahkan hasil, pada bulan April 2003 Exel mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai drummer terbaik di ajang Mataram Music April Love Concert. Setahun kemuadian, tepatnya pada bulan Juni 2004 Exel mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Drummer Cilik Putra Berprestasi dari Komunitas Musisi Indonesia (KMI).
Exel kemudian pindah ke Jakarta dan hal itu membuat bakat alaminya ini terus terasah. Terbukti pada tahun berikutnya Excel bisa mempertahankan prestasi, dan meraih Juara I Java Music Contest “Professional Drummer Kid Competition” Java Music Contest, Hall C PRJ Kemayoran–Jakarta, oleh KMI di Jakarta, 15 Mei 2005.
Pada 2006, Pria asal Mataram kelahiran 31 Mei 1994 ini kembali menui prestrasi, mendapatkan penghargaan dari MURI dan MURDI sebagai Drummer Endoser Termuda di Indonesia/ Umur 11 Tahun oleh Sonor Drum

Travis barker jadi vegetarian ? - Dirundung masalah kesehatan membuat drumere Blink 182 memilih untuk mengubah pola hidupnya. Travis Barker memilih untuk menjadi seoarang vegetarian dan tidak mengonsumsi daging dan telur.Saya pergi ke dokter dan menemukan 6 sejenis bisul di perutku. Menurut Dokter karena itu disebabkan kebanyakan merokok," ujarnya seperti dikutip dari Music Radar.
Barker menambahkan bahwa dia juga mengalami gejala pra kanker di tenggorokannya. Hal ini membuat dia berpikir untuk mengubah pola hidupnya menjadi sehat. Travis memutuskan untuk menghentikan kebiasaan buruknya dan berpindah untuk hidup sehat.
"Kondisi saya merasa baik saat ini. Saya tidak lagi merasakan bingung dengan kepala pening. Ini perubahan yang positif dan merasa lebih baik dibandingkan tahun lalu," paparnya. (mrd/faj)

Dave weckl drummers

For more than 25 years, Dave Weckl has developed and maintained a reputation among fans, peers, and the international music community as one of the great living drummers. For this, he has received numerous accolades and honors; Modern Drummer inducted Dave into their Hall of Fame and named him "one of the 25 best drummers of all time."

But these honors, in addition to many more bestowed by the music community, are the product of Dave's undying commitment to making great compositions. Dave's incredibly dynamic and diverse drumming, which has inspired musicians worldwide, is built on a solid foundation of knowledge and respect for music.

Born in St. Louis Missouri, January 8th, 1960, to a mother who loved music and a father who played the piano as a hobby, Dave started playing drums around the age of 8.

During his high school years, Dave received many awards from the NAJE (National Association of Jazz Educators) for outstanding performances in his high school's competition-winning jazz band. He was involved with numerous local groups from a very young age while studying with St. Louis-area teachers Bob Matheny and Joe Buerger.

At age 16, Dave began to work professionally with local pop and jazz groups. In 1979, he moved to the East coast to study music at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. At just 19 years of age, Dave was getting recognized.

While playing the club scene in New York City with a band called Nite Sprite, Dave started to receive accolades from established studio musicians such as Steve Kahn, Michael Brecker, and especially drumming great Peter Erskine. It was Peter who recommended Dave for his first 'big gig' in town with a group called French Toast, forerunner to the Michel Camilo band, which has been recorded quite extensively over the years.

From this group, legendary bassist Anthony Jackson recommended Dave for the prestigious Simon and Garfunkel reunion tour in 1983. After this tour, it was not long before Dave was regularly being called for radio and TV jingles, sound track sessions, and top recording dates with such artists as George Benson, Peabo Bryson, Diana Ross, and Robert Plant, to name a few.

In 1985, Michael Brecker suggested to Chick Corea that he look into Dave's services for his new Elektric Band. That was the beginning of a seven year relationship with both the Elektric and Akoustic Bands, where nine recordings and three videos were produced, including a Grammy for the first Akoustic Band release.

The Elektric Band showcased Dave's cutting-edge drumming and innovative use of electronic and acoustic drums, bringing him world-wide recognition. Though the Elektric Band went on a 10-year hiatus in the early '90s, the band is once again touring from time to time. It also released a 17-part conceptual album entitled "To The Stars" in mid-2004.

As a solo artist, Dave has recorded and produced nine recordings to date, including GRP/MCA solo releases Masterplan, Heads Up, and Hardwired. In 1998, Dave realized his long-time goal of forming a world-touring band. The Dave Weckl Band released five studio records, including: Rhythm Of The Soul, Synergy, Transition, Perpetual Motion, and Multiplicity. The band also released a hot live album, LIVE (and very plugged in) and a compilation of DWB and instructional videos entitled The Zone.

More recently, Dave has enjoyed taking on more sideman work. He regularly joins guitarist Mike Stern, Chuck Loeb, Oz Noy, and Chris Minh Doky and the Nomads, among others. When off the road, Dave keeps busy with session and production work at his home studio in Los Angeles. He also teaches at the annual Drum Fantasy Camp. Additionally, Dave has many instructional video/DVDs and play-along packages on the market.

A constant student of the art of drumming and music, Dave gives back every chance he gets through clinics and classes all over the world. Of teaching, Dave says:

"It is my goal to inspire as many young (and not-so-young) people as possible to want to play music, whether it be on drums or another instrument. With all the negatives in the world today, I feel this is my way of contributing a positive action toward spiritual happiness, which music can be a big part of, if you let it. So parents, if your child has a talent for music, please allow them the opportunity to develop that talent!"

Of course, a guy this busy does need to get around town efficiently. A fan of automobiles, Dave stays on schedule by driving a 505 horsepower Corvette Z06!

But beyond all the recording, producing, touring, teaching, working with companies he endorses to build better products, and tearing up the highway every now and then, Dave's passion is spending quality time with his daughter, Claire, Sophia (his Golden Retriever), and friends.

This is what all the hard work is for - the inspiration to keep doing it - and that perspective is probably Dave's biggest asset.

Click here to view Dave Weckl's comprehensive discography.

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Comprehensive Discography
Click here to view a full list of recordings
spanning more than 28 years of Dave's

Special thanks to Chris Aleo
for compiling the information and
keeping it up-to-date!

Photo Album